Vignoble - Wine-maker
Information about the Château de Passavant
Family David-Lecomte , Olivier , Claire, Aubin
Wine maker and Vines Manager : Lucie Chéné and Daniel Thuliévre
- The Castle of Passavant is a historic place before to be a winemaking company. First of all let’s
speak about the place.
- The Castle is a middle ages construction listed in the register of France monuments.
- This castle dates back to Xe century and was build on order of the lord Foulque Nerra.
- At these times Passavant was a crossing place in the border between Anjou and Poitou
- This castle has never known war and belongs to a bundle, quite numerous, of castles built by
Foulque Nerra along the Loire.
- Foulque Nerra was a lord with a dark and bloody history. Nevertheless, he may never live in this
- Our family created the company; we are the fourth and fifth generation working on the vineyard.
- The company presents 55 hectares of vines. Mainly planted with Chenin, Cabernet Franc and
Grolleau Noir.
- Moreover we have few hectares of Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and
Grolleau Gris.
- We exploit the vineyard in organic agriculture (AB) for more than 24 years. We are certified in
Biodynamie since 2011.
- Since last year we have 51 ewes and we are setting up an eco-pasture system in the vineyard.
- The ewes are from charmoise race (meat race) and got their first lambs in the vineyard this year.
- We work in respect of our environment and try to re-create in the vineyard the most diverse and
richest ecosystem.We add 10 hives in the middle of the vines , This week we are planted 2,5 ha
new vines under agroforestry.
- We produce, in average, 120 000 bottles by year. We sell wine in France, for a part, but we export
too in several countries like Denmark, Belgium, United States, Germany and many other.
- Our cuvées of Chenin Blanc : “Jarret de Montchenin” , “Les Plantes” , “ Les Greffiers”, Penser
Nature “ Le Chenin”, Anjou blanc “Château”, Anjou Blanc d'Oeuf.
Web site : www.passavant.n
[caption id="attachment_4664" align="alignnone" width="300"] PHOTOPQR/LE COURRIER DE L'OUEST/LAURENT COMBET ANGERS LE 19/08/2021 : CHATEAU DE PASSAVANT SUR LAYON : OLIVIER ET AUBIN LECOMTE[/caption]
Vigneron / Wine-maker
Vigneron / Wine-maker
Vignoble - Wine-maker
Béatrice et Michel Augé pratiquent la biodynamie depuis de nombreuses années dans leurs vignes de la vallée du Cher plantées de chenin, sauvignon, chardonnay, gamay, pinot noir et côt. Les vins sont élevés longuement dans une ancienne carrière souterraine de pierre de tuffeau.
Vignerons Éleveurs - Wine-maker
Vigneron / Wine-maker
Le Domaine les Grandes Vignes, en plein cœur du vignoble du Layon, bénéficie de conditions exceptionnelles, à même d'assurer une très grande permanence de la qualité. Les Grandes Vignes possèdent une vrai rareté dans le Layon. En effet, les caves sont sculptées dans le falun. Venez déguster les vins dans le nouveau chai présenté par Dominique, Jean-François et Laurence Vaillant.
Vigneron / Wine-maker
vigneron / Winegrower